LIFE, Struggles and the Energy that Moves You
LIFE, Struggles and the Energy that Moves You 2 Years ago today I incorporated //MOVEMENT and it was one of the best days of my life. 17...

This will be a long read but one you need to read! One you need to read to your friends and one you need to share with everyone you know...

Working Out Can Educate the World
Working Out Can Educate the World Those living in the Boca Raton area have a unique opportunity to make a difference. Simply by working...

Steve Jobs, a New iPhone and //MOVEMENT
Steve Jobs, a New iPhone and //M As the new iPhone launches today, ponder this: what would a fitness studio with a mission to change...

A New Kind of Energy
A New Kind of Energy You already get the best workout around at //M but we don’t often call it a gym. You’ve heard post mentioning it...

An earring, abused women and your workout at //MOVEMENT
An earring, abused women and your workout at //MOVEMENT Football headlines this week are all about a football player and how he punched...

The Sun Rises and the Sun Sets
The Sun Rises and the Sun Sets What we do in between them is up to us. Substitute "life" for "sun" and the analogy works the same. The...

Knowing our limits: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Muscles, Smiles
Knowing our limits: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Muscles, Smiles Last Sunday //MOVEMENT competed in an obstacle course against 25 of the most...

The Weighing of the Heart – Egyptian Burpees
The Weighing of the Heart – Egyptian Burpees Ancient Egyptians believed when you died your life would be measured by a ritual called...
Full Plates and Half Empty Glasses
Full Plates and Half Empty Glasses We all seem to go through life with no time because we have so much on our plates. Yet listen to any...