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Oscar Night at //MOVEMENT

Well, we don’t actually have a red carpet, any little trophies or anyone named Oscar but we want to roll out the virtual red carpet to those people that have decided to come be part of the first wave of world changers at //MOVEMENT. It’s been just over a month and on top of getting an amazing workout, your energy is fueling positive change not only in you but the world around you.

You have already fueled change and supported the following groups and purposes:

200 Early Elementary Children at Spady Elementary in Delray Beach learning the power of giving back. Project results and blog announced this week

200 Homeless people fed with the man and wo-man powered street team of local artist Evoca1. Full story / blog on website.

Boca Raton Community Garden

Bark after Dark and the Tri-County Humane Society

And helping support the Boca Vet Clinic in fundraising for:

Chesed Rescue

Have a Heart


Tri-County Humane Society

Friends of Greyhounds

and more Pet charities…

Did I mention that we have only been at this for a month?!

The red carpet was used in the past at train stations in order to guide people to the right train but in this case, at least for the early adopters, this purpose isn’t needed because they have already navigated to the train that is //MOVEMENT and are already moving towards a better tomorrow.

For everyone else, I hope you chose to follow the red carpet to //MOVEMENT and let us show you how just by choosing where you workout is making a difference.


Strengthen Yourself

Strengthen the World

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Tel: 561-394-5994

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